Our Services.

  • Prescribing Medication

    Personalized treatment of psychiatric issues utilizing a thoughtful, gentle approach to improve mental health. Medications are offered when indicated and prescribed using the lowest effective doses and fewest possible medicines to help patients to feel better. The aim is to provide a clear understanding of the medication options our patients face; the risks associated with each of those medicines; and a plan to manage those risks.

  • Supportive Therapy

    Brief supportive therapy is incorporated into appointments. Mental health is often multifaceted and involves appreciation of social and psychological components. In addition to incorporating therapy into our appointments, Westport Mental Health works closely with many therapists around the region to help facilitate referrals for more in-depth therapy.

  • Genetic Testing

    Pharmacogenetic testing is offered in office or at home to deliver modern, targeted care. A simple and painless cheek swab is obtained to gain a better understanding of your unique genetic profile to reduce the painful process of trial and error and interaction risk of psychiatric medications. Testing helps to inform medication treatment decisions by leveraging genetic data to develop guidance for individualized, precision prescribing.